Algebra MasterClass

Dear parent / guardian
Thank you for allowing your child to participate in the Algebra MasterClass Online Session
Our aim is to encourage children aged 5 to 9 to become better readers, as well as support them to
1.) Improve their communication and comprehension skills.
2.) Learn new vocabulary.
3.) Build a consistent reading pattern and a personal library
4.) Close any reading age gaps and
5.) Have fun while learning in a relaxed atmosphere.
Cost for the Masterclass is £35 per child for the 4hr session.
Please fill in the registration and make payment for each child separately.
Sessions will hold every Wednesdays in August 2020 from 10:000am to 14:00pm
Please call +447576227321 for more information!
Click pay now to make payment via paypal (using "Algebra MasterClass - Child's name" as payment reference)and fill in the required details in the FORM below to register your child.
We look forward to seeing you at the MasterClass Session